“Establishing community and ensuring that life is unfolding perfectly”

Creator. Entertainer. Influencer. Friend.

Sawyer Reece Maier is a force to be reckoned with. After being born on June 22nd in the year 2000, he tried every sport he could possibly find in his small town and quit every single one of them by the time he was 8 years old. It shouldn’t matter what goal you kick the soccer ball in! He joined his first show, Annie, as Man #3 and realized he found the passion of his life and he found it at such a young age. Yes, that’s right. Annie. He took every opportunity he could find to grow in Bakersfield, CA until he was able to found a deeper love with musical theater at the University of California, Irvine. Sawyer recently graduated from UCI with his BFA in Music Theater with the hopes of creating a future where he can create art in any platform that brings him peace and prosperity. As artists continue to struggle during the time of Covid-19, Sawyer tries every day to remember that he has so much yet to learn and so much to give within his young body and mind. He hopes that every person that comes across him in his life can ponder one question: How can I make every opportunity a chance to grow as a human being in my craft?

P.S.- If you ever are scared or do not know, count to five and pick. No going back!